Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ego Tripping

Ego Tripping and Other Poems for Young People
by Nikki Giovanni

Ego Tripping is a collection of poems which celebrate black culture from the social and spiritual history to adolescence while also giving a voice to the adversity faced by black youth.  It is in two parts; the first has a revolutionary vibe and makes spiritual references along with references to iconic figures of the Harlem Renaissance.  The second part makes many references to nature with themes of hope and change.

I enjoyed some of the poems in this collection, especially the title poem.  "Ego Tripping" had a larger than life feeling with its bold language and mix of spiritual and historical elements.  I liked the strong "I" and the way the narrator is ever present.  However I felt like I could relate with many of the poems as a white reader because they were so centered around black power and identity.  Also many of the poems used outdated language in a way that it was awkward to read unless you put yourself in that time.  The illustrations were realistic and appeared to be done in a sepia ink.  I did not find that they added much to the text.

I do not think I would want to use this book in the classroom.  First I did not find the poetry itself very affective and second I think it would be hard for students to relate to the text, even the African American students.  Most of the African American students I have worked with are from Chicago and are not going to relate to poems about Africa any more than a white student.  Also because some of the language is outdated ex. faggoty,  it would take maturity and contextual understanding on the part of the reader to appreciate it. 

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