Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Kitten's First Full Moon

Kitten's First Full Moon
Written and Illustrated by Kevin Henkes
Ages 3-6

It is Kitten's first time seeing a full moon and she thinks it is a bowl of milk.  Kitten goes on a comical night adventure trying to reach the bowl of milk.

The illustrations carried the story capturing the inquistive nature of cats along with the energetic but uncordinated attempts of kittens.  I often wonder what goes on inside the mind of a cat and I am sure kittens often mistake the moon for a big bowl of milk.  I have seen my cats attempt what I am sure they think is a fearless feat such as scaling the christmas tree or eating a cricket but it often ends in disaster for them and entertainment for myself at their brave attempt.  I liked how the illustrations were formated differently from full page illustrations to split pages, blinds and isolated sketches against a white background.  It was like a film reel of Kitten running... jumping.... and a dramatic shot of him landing in the pond.  Poor Kitten!  I found the language grating at times such as the repetition of "Poor Kitten!" and "What a night!".  I feel like children would empathize with Kitten without "Poor Kitten!" to prompt them. 

I think young students would enjoy this book because they would be wondering whats going to happen to Kitten!?  and be held in suspense to see how each new attempt will end.  When reading this book I would have my students work on making predictions.  We would ask questions such as "do you think the moon is really milk?" and stop in the midst of the action to discuss what might result. 

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